We had a fabulous time over the weekend of the 28th running the Longmont Terminal & Northern branch line model railroad.
Special thanks go out to Bob K, Jeff, John, Leighton, Dawn, Daecian, Rick, Myron, and Erik.
The Day Out With Toy Trains venue is put on by the Colorado Toy Train Group LLC and LCCA. John Cullen and the Pinehurst Country Club really know how to make a great place available for us to set up our portable layout and have fun with it! The public is welcome at the event on Sunday while Saturday is reserved for the layout owners and operators to play trains!
Lenny the Lionel Lion even came by and had some fun with 2 rail!
Thanks to the Pinehurst Country Club, John Cullen, and the good people at the CTTG, and LCCA! We really enjoyed ourselves.

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